E.C.Sys s.r.o. Company was established on January 1st, 1995.
Then it started to use know-how for the development and production of control systems received from the association of natural persons – present owners and, simultaneously, it started design and manufacturing activities in the field of industrial electronics.
Then company also started sales and service of information technology together with design and implementation of computer network mainly for the company´s customers.
In the beginning, the company housed the rented premises of Labit, where it moved to its own reconstructed premises in Dělnická Street in 1996, where it operates today. Thanks to the increase in production, this facility was gradually expanded by additional production and storage facilities.
Right from the start, E.C Sys Company closely co-operated with LINET spol. s r.o. Co., which ranks among five greatest producers of medical technology now. Its main activities are development and production of control systems for hospital beds. LINET´s products furnished with electronic systems from E.C.Sys Co were awarded a number of prizes at different fairs.
E.C.Sys Co. also develops and manufactures electronic control systems for many other industrial and medical applications and since 2004 exports them to EU countries.
Since 2005, the company has been awarded the ISO 9001 quality certificate.
Owing to many innovations, E.C.Sys Company is also a holder of a few utility models and patents.